Pokémon : S1 | E37 – Ditto’s Mysterious Mansion

Pokémon The Series : Indigo League

Season 1 | Episode 37 – Ditto’s Mysterious Mansion eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : December 9, 1997
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When it begins to rain, Ash and his friends stumble across an old house in the middle of nowhere. Believing it to be deserted, they go inside. To their surprise, Pikachu plays with what seems to be another Pikachu. However, this Pikachu's face is weird, which leads to Brock thinking it is a new kind of Pikachu. Ash tries to catch it, but a girl dressed as Ash appears and stops him. The girl introduces herself as Duplica and reveals that the Pikachu is actually her Ditto. The mansion is called "the House of Imite" and serves as a rest stop and performance space for her imitation shows. Upon reading Ditto's entry in the Pokédex and hearing that it cannot learn any other attacks besides Transform, Ash is unconvinced of its usefulness in a battle, so Duplica challenges him to one. Ash chooses ... Show Full Summary

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