Pokémon : S1 | E48 – A Chansey Operation

Pokémon The Series : Indigo League

Season 1 | Episode 48 – A Chansey Operation eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : June 4, 1998
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Pikachu is climbing in a tree when something gets stuck in his throat. Brock quickly suggests that they take Pikachu to see a doctor. They search for a Pokémon Center, but there isn't one for miles. They eventually reach a hospital for humans and ask for help from a doctor. They find one, Dr. Proctor but the doctor doesn't pay much attention to Ash's pleas. However, when Misty starts pleading, the doctor gives in, stating that he can't resist a pretty face. Thinking Misty is the one in need of help, the doctor asks her what the problem was. After explaining that Pikachu was the sick one, Ash once again asks for help. Although a hospital for humans, the doctor reluctantly agrees to help. After checking on Pikachu, the doctor manages to remove the object from his throat, which is revealed to... Show Full Summary

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