Pokémon : S1 | E50 – So Near, Yet So Farfetch’d

Pokémon The Series : Indigo League

Season 1 | Episode 50 – So Near, Yet So Farfetch’d eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : June 18, 1998
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Ash and his friends decide to take a break in a meadow. The group begins discussing the rumor that a rare Farfetch'd has been spotted in the area, and Ash immediately decides he wants to catch it. Ash and Brock leave to get some water for the group from a nearby spring. Meanwhile, Misty begins hearing sounds, and she thinks it is Psyduck. All of a sudden, a Farfetch'd appears and begins parading in front of Misty before running into the woods. Misty, eager to catch the Pokémon, recalls Psyduck back into its Poké Ball and runs after it. She chases after the Flying-type Pokémon, but then, after turning a corner, bumps into a boy, Keith, and falls over. The boy apologizes, hands Misty her fallen bag, and runs off.

Sad from losing track of the Farfetch'd, Misty returns to the meadow... Show Full Summary

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