Pokémon : S1 | E56 – The Breeding Center Secret

Pokémon The Series : Indigo League

Season 1 | Episode 56 – The Breeding Center Secret eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : August 6, 1998
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Ash and his friends, including their new friend Todd, are taking a break in the middle of a city when they see a commercial for a Pokémon breeding center. Thinking it might be an interesting place to visit, they head off to locate it. Misty decides to drop off her Psyduck at the breeding center in order to get its eyes fixed. Ash believes that Misty is planning on leaving the Pokémon at the center, but she tells him that no matter how annoying it is, she will keep it.

After leaving the breeding center, Todd notices a sign in a restaurant, advertising an all-you-can-eat meal for free. He believes that there is a catch, but the group heads in regardless. The owner tells the group that he will give them a free meal if they can guess and show him his favorite Pokémon. Everyone relea... Show Full Summary

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