Pokémon : S19 | E10 – A Cellular Connection!

Pokémon The Series : XY & Z

Season 19 | Episode 10 – A Cellular Connection! eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : January 14, 2016
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As our heroes continue to search for Squishy after an encounter with Team Flare, some angry Toxicroak force them off a cliff! Bunnelby launches itself at Bonnie to break her fall, but it’s injured in the process. Nurse Joy says she needs Nicera, a medicinal plant, to treat Bunnelby. Feeling guilty, Bonnie sneaks away to find some. The others soon catch up, and they work together to find the Nicera in a mountain cave…as Squishy watches from hiding, impressed by Bonnie’s determination. Soon, Bunnelby is feeling fine…and just as everyone is about to go look for Squishy again, they find it safe and sound in Bonnie’s bag! (Source: Official site)

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