Pokémon : S19 | E5 – Dream a Little Dream from Me!

Pokémon The Series : XY & Z

Season 19 | Episode 5 – Dream a Little Dream from Me! eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : November 26, 2015
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Our heroes camp out to watch a meteor shower, and then curl up in their sleeping bags. During the night, Pikachu and Team Rocket’s Meowth wake up thirsty and run into each other on their way to find water—and then start having some very strange adventures! Their Pokemon friends are all talking like people, while their human friends can only make Pokemon sounds. What’s more, all of the Pokemon seem to be able to evolve (or devolve) at will! Things get even stranger when Pikachu and Meowth meet up with Squishy, who can also talk, and who’s being pursued by a giant fireball with a face! They run away from the fire, but it keeps chasing them…until the alarm clock Clemont invented rings and then promptly explodes, waking everyone up. Nearby, our heroes spot Darkrai, the Mythical Pokemon known f... Show Full Summary

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