Pokémon : S2 | E18 – The Ancient Puzzle of Pokémopolis

Pokémon The Series : Adventures In The Orange Islands

Season 2 | Episode 18 – The Ancient Puzzle of Pokémopolis eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : November 26, 1998
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Ash is finally training for the Pokémon League by battling Brock in a rocky valley, with Pikachu pitted against Vulpix. Pikachu is about to use Thunderbolt and Vulpix is about to use Flamethrower, when Jigglypuff suddenly appears in-between them. At Ash and Brock's command, Pikachu and Vulpix fire their attacks in a different direction, destroying a rock wall. As Ash and his friends walk closer, they see that they have uncovered the entrance to a temple, as well as a gigantic dōtaku bell. Brock finds an ancient artifact in the rubble, but it is suddenly taken by an archaeologist named Eve. She reveals that she and the other archaeologists with her are digging up artifacts related to the ancient city of Pokémopolis, a civilization that was supposedly destroyed in a single night. A professo... Show Full Summary

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