Ash and his friends watch Gary's fourth round match on the Rock Field. They are shocked when Gary is abruptly defeated by a Trainer named Melissa, with his last Pokémon, Nidoking, being brought down by Melissa's Golem's Seismic Toss. This leaves Ash worried about his own chances during the fourth round, though Brock and Misty cheer him on. He later learns from Professor Oak that all of Pallet Town is cheering him on, which only makes him more nervous. Meanwhile, Team Rocket opens up a souvenir stand with the intent of luring in and stealing Pokémon from Trainers.
At the Grass Field, Ash starts his next match with Jeanette Fisher from Crimson City. He sends out Bulbasaur, and Jeanette uses Beedrill. The Bug-type Pokémon is about to hit Bulbasaur with Tackle, but Bulbasaur dodges ... Show Full Summary