Ash and his friends arrive on Murcott Island. After Ash recalls his Lapras, Tracey calls out his Venonat and Marill. He reveals that the island is famous for housing plenty of Bug types. Due to her fear of Bug Pokémon, Misty initially decides to stay on the beach, but when Ash tells Tracey of her fear and he taunts her by calling her a chicken, she stomps on his foot and changes her mind.
After walking for a short time, the group comes upon a small group of Caterpie. Ash is tempted to catch one, as he has not caught one in a while. However, not wanting him to catch a new one, Misty drags him away from them. Unfortunately, ignoring Tracey, Venonat, and Marill's warnings, Misty encounters a Pinsir just seconds later and, in fear, runs away from it, dragging a bemused Ash right beh... Show Full Summary