Pokémon : S2 | E45 – The Mandarin Island Miss Match

Pokémon The Series : Adventures In The Orange Islands

Season 2 | Episode 45 – The Mandarin Island Miss Match eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : June 3, 1999
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On Mandarin Island, Ash finishes off a Butterfree with Bulbasaur's Razor Leaf attack. Later on, as Ash and Misty eat, Tracey tells them that Prima is going to give a lecture on the island. Misty is ecstatic and tells Ash and Tracey that Prima is her hero. She hears a voice behind her and turns to see Prima herself. Misty and Tracey proceed to introduce themselves while Ash chokes on his sandwich. She walks past them, however, and bends down to look at Togepi.

Nearby, Meowth watches from the bushes while Jessie and James eat. James sees Prima and recognizes her, but cannot ascertain her name. Prima looks out at the ocean and makes many philosophical comments about nature. Ash asks for a battle, but Prima ignores him. Ash arrogantly interprets this as an admission that she is afra... Show Full Summary

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