Pokémon : S2 | E47 – Get Along, Little Pokémon

Pokémon The Series : Adventures In The Orange Islands

Season 2 | Episode 47 – Get Along, Little Pokémon eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : June 17, 1999
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As Ash and his friends are walking along Mandarin Island to the Gym in Trovita, a rolling storm forces the gang to take cover. During the storm, they see a small crowd of Magnemite being struck by lightning and find that they are absorbing the electricity. Eventually, they see a Jolteon that seems to be herding the crowd of Magnemite. They also meet a man who has a wagon with a pair of Tauros pulling it. He offers them safety in the back of the wagon from the lightning; they do so and board the wagon.

After the storm passes, the man introduces himself as Ethan, a Magnemite rancher. He explains that he takes his Magnemite into thunderstorms so that he can take the absorbed electricity to towns and cities on the island. Tracey notices how well-trained the Magnemite are and asks Et... Show Full Summary

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