Pokémon : S2 | E50 – Bound for Trouble

Pokémon The Series : Adventures In The Orange Islands

Season 2 | Episode 50 – Bound for Trouble eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : July 15, 1999
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With Ash earning his third Badge, he and his friends have now stopped on Fairchild Island, which is known to have larger-than-normal Pidgeot and Rhydon. The group soon finds a fruit basket in the middle of the road. Ash goes for it, but Misty stops him, suspecting it to be a trap. She points to a nearby fruit tree as an alternative, and as they go for it, they fall into a trap hole. One of the apples falls onto Ash's head, and he tries to eat it, finding out it is a fake.

Team Rocket reveals themselves and how they used reverse psychology with the real fruit basket, causing Ash to pin the blame on Misty for her poor judgment, but she dismisses the subject and orders Ash to find them a way out. Jessie and James send out Arbok and Weezing. Ash throws Pikachu in the air and he atta... Show Full Summary

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