Pokémon : S2 | E56 – The Stun Spore Detour

Pokémon The Series : Adventures In The Orange Islands

Season 2 | Episode 56 – The Stun Spore Detour eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : August 26, 1999
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While staying at another island, Ash and Pikachu prepare for the Orange League. After a wave crashes over the pair, they make their way over to Tracey to ask for assistance, but Ash trips on a stone, knocking both himself and Tracey into a Vileplume's head opening. The two try to struggle to get free, but Vileplume uses a point-blank Stun Spore on them. Pikachu, unaffected, races back and soon finds Misty, who is busy walking with Psyduck. Pikachu tries to explain, but it is after Ash and Tracey stumble over that Misty realizes the pair have been paralyzed.

At the cabin, Misty struggles to cure Ash and Tracey, since they have no first aid aside from band-aids, and the nearest Pokémon Center is on another island. Tracey, in his weakened state, tells Misty to look at Ash's Pokédex... Show Full Summary

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