Pokémon : S2 | E59 – Viva Las Lapras

Pokémon The Series : Adventures In The Orange Islands

Season 2 | Episode 59 – Viva Las Lapras eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : September 16, 1999
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Ash is still fascinated by his victory and Winner's Trophy, while he and his friends travel to the next island. Lapras suddenly senses something, and makes a quick turn in excitement. The group spots a school of Lapras ahead. While Tracey sketches them, Misty brings up the possibility that this school is the one Lapras belongs to. Lapras approaches the school and calls out, but everyone ignores it. One of the Lapras, a teal-colored one, tries to return the call, but the others push it away. The trio is left stunned as one of the Lapras attacks with Water Gun before using Mist to cover their escape.

At a nearby Pokémon Center on Tarroco Island, Ash talks to Professor Oak over a videophone. Oak explains that those Lapras may be scared of humans due to a previous attack. Officer Je... Show Full Summary

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