Pokémon : S2 | E7 – Clefairy Tales

Pokémon The Series : Adventures In The Orange Islands

Season 2 | Episode 7 – Clefairy Tales eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : September 10, 1998
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Jigglypuff sings its song in the woods, putting a nearby wild Pidgey and Caterpie to sleep. After scribbling on their faces, a teapot drops on its head. It looks up to notice a UFO overhead just before it crash-lands nearby. Jigglypuff walks over to it to see some Clefairy get out.

The next day, Ash and his friends are eating ice cream when a Clefairy walks up to them. They chase Clefairy, but while they are gone, more Clefairy steal their ice cream and backpacks. When Ash and his friends go to Officer Jenny, they discover that many other people have also been robbed. As Brock questions why the robbers chose such obscure items, a man named Oswald enters and believes the string of thefts are the work of aliens. Officer Jenny reveals that objects began disappearing three nights ag... Show Full Summary

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