Pokémon : S2 | E8 – The Battle of the Badge

Pokémon The Series : Adventures In The Orange Islands

Season 2 | Episode 8 – The Battle of the Badge eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : September 17, 1998
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Ash and his friends are walking through Viridian City and realize that the Pokémon Center, destroyed during Ash and Misty's first meeting, has since been rebuilt after nearly a year. They then make their way to the Viridian Gym. As they stop outside its doors, they encounter Gary and his cheer squad. Gary boasts that he is further along the path to the Pokémon League, having already earned ten Badges compared to Ash's seven. Gary heads into the Gym to challenge the Gym Leader, followed by his cheering squad. Ash tries to follow Gary, but is blocked by the ax-wielding guards, who will only permit one Trainer in the Gym at a time.

Disappointed and depressed that Gary will always get further and further ahead of him, Ash crouches down in a corner. Togepi pats him on the head in an ... Show Full Summary

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