Pokémon : S20 | E28 – Pulling Out the Pokémon Base Pepper!

Pokémon The Series : Sun & Moon

Season 20 | Episode 28 – Pulling Out the Pokémon Base Pepper! eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : May 25, 2017
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Pokémon Base, a version of baseball in which both humans and Pokémon are players, is extremely popular in the Alolan Islands, and naturally Ash and his friends are big fans. Professor Kukui, Principal Oak, and human Pokémon Base star Olu'olu act as judges in a spirited game between the students (Ash, Pikachu, Sophocles, Togedemaru, Lana and Popplio vs. Kiawe, Turtonator, Mallow, Steenee, Lillie and Snowy). After Team Rocket's Meowth gets beaned by Lana's home run ball, Jessie, who has a crush on Olu'olu, drags Team Rocket into a game against the students with Olu'olu's autograph as the prize. It's Ash, Pikachu, Rockruff, Kiawe, Olu'olu, and his Snorlax against James, Mareanie, Jessie, Wobbuffet, Mimikkyu, and Meowth. (Source: Wikipedia)

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