Pokémon : S21 | E26 – Rise and Shine, Starship!

Pokémon The Series : Sun & Moon - Ultra Adventures

Season 21 | Episode 26 – Rise and Shine, Starship! eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : April 12, 2018
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One of Sophocles's favorite fairy tales is "The Celestial Starship," which tells of a brilliant star that landed in a bamboo grove and lived there until it returned to its home on the moon. When our heroes learn of an Ultra Beast named Celesteela who's in a similar situation, they're amazed—but Sophocles isn't surprised at all! The Ultra Guardians spring into action to help Celesteela get home, but they have to be careful, as the Ultra Beast is filled with explosive gas. Thankfully, our heroes' efforts pay off, and Celesteela returns home safely, leaving the bamboo unscathed! (Source: Wikipedia)

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