Pokémon : S22 | E9 – Parallel Friendships!

Pokémon The Series : Sun & Moon - Ultra Legends

Season 22 | Episode 9 – Parallel Friendships! eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : July 15, 2019
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Ash and Pikachu find themselves in front of the Pokémon School, but in a parallel dimension. Dia, the mysterious trainer, and Zeraora are determined to continue their fight against Guzzlord, who is responsible for all the destruction in this version of Hau'oli City. Even though Dia and Zeraora do not seem receptive to the idea, Ash comes up with a plan for all of them to combine their attacks to stop Guzzlord and possibly send it back through the Ultra Wormhole. (Source: Wikipedia)

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