The Rising Volt Tacklers are on their way to meet Sohdayo, a former member of the team who left them before Dot joined the crew, in the hopes that he could have information that'd help them track down Entei of the Six Heroes. Unlike the others, though, Mollie seems very irritated at the thought of meeting him and unwilling to believe anything he'll have to say. The Brave Olivine eventually lands at the agreed meeting spot at a savanna. While waiting for Sohdayo to arrive, Liko, Roy, and Dot venture out to see if they can find any Pokémon. At first, they fail to find anything, but soon after discovering an oasis with barely any water left in it, they are suddenly charged at and attacked by a Pokémon that Roy's Rotom Phone identifies as a Farigiraf. By working together, they are able to figh... Show Full Summary
5 Responses
Thanks for the latest episodes! Keep up the good work!
Mine is again showing error 😭😭
Please do something
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please give a look & repair it fast we can’t watch the episode
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