Pokémon : S3 | E1 – Don’t Touch That ‘dile

Pokémon The Series : The Johto Journeys

Season 3 | Episode 1 – Don’t Touch That ‘dile eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : October 14, 1999
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Ash and his friends are walking through a foggy forest for New Bark Town in order to register for the Johto League. Ash notices a familiar tree branch and declares that they must be lost. Misty scolds Ash, and the two of them get into an argument, which Brock is forced to break up. Togepi senses something and promptly hops out of Misty's arms, prompting the others to follow. The group is startled after seeing a mysterious blue Pokémon on a formation in the middle of a small pond. When the Pokémon notices them, it runs away. Ash tries to follow it but falls off a steep edge, and Pikachu and Togepi soon follow. Becoming alarmed by his disappearance, Misty and Brock go after Ash, but they also trip and fall. Jigglypuff walks by and seems to find it fun before sliding down the hill as well.Show Full Summary

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