On their way to Violet City, Ash and his friends have decided to take a mountainous trail, though Brock complains about how cold it is. Just then, he notices a wild Chikorita. Remembering Casey and her Chikorita, Ash loudly proclaims his intent to catch the Chikorita, which surprisingly doesn't scare her away. Ash promptly sends out Bulbasaur. Chikorita charges, but Bulbasaur counters with Vine Whip. Chikorita then uses Razor Leaf, but Bulbasaur shoots them down with its own Razor Leaf flurry, then Tackles Chikorita. Ash throws his Poké Ball, but Chikorita simply swats it back, then catches Bulbasaur off-guard with a Vine Whip to the head.
Ash recalls Bulbasaur and sends out Charizard, though Chikorita remains steadfast. She charges at Charizard, who simply holds her off with hi... Show Full Summary