Pokémon : S3 | E13 – Ignorance Is Blissey

Pokémon The Series : The Johto Journeys

Season 3 | Episode 13 – Ignorance Is Blissey eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : January 6, 2000
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While Ash and his friends continue to make their way to the Violet Gym, they find themselves looking for a place to spend the night in a quiet area called Happy Town. Tired, hungry, and dirty, Ash knocks on the door of a locked Pokémon Center and, to his surprise, is greeted by a Blissey. After noticing Ash's hunger, Blissey tries to give Ash some sweets, but ends up spilling it on Ash. While washing it off, Blissey suggests that she wash his back, but ends up scratching him. While she tries to attend to the scratch, she puts too much alcohol on him, and in the end, he is in a full-body cast. Nurse Joy eventually wakes up and apologizes for Blissey's trouble.

Outside, James devises a plan to sneak into the Pokémon Center and steal some Pokémon and some food for the equally hungr... Show Full Summary

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