Pokémon : S3 | E15 – Fighting Flyer With Fire

Pokémon The Series : The Johto Journeys

Season 3 | Episode 15 – Fighting Flyer With Fire eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : January 20, 2000
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Ash and his friends reach the Violet Gym, with Ash being anxious to get his first Johto Badge. However, before they are able to go inside, Jessie and James appear, disguised as surveyors from the Pokémon Bureau, and demand that they inspect every Pokémon before anyone can enter. They take Pikachu and then escape with him in their Meowth balloon, revealing their true identities. Ash commands Pikachu to use Thunder Shock, but the attack fails because he is in an electric-proof glass case.

Ash sends out Heracross to save Pikachu, but Meowth drops a jar of sap to distract Heracross. Then, Ash and his friends notice someone hang-gliding next to Team Rocket's balloon. The hang-glider signals his Hoothoot to take Pikachu; it grabs Pikachu's case with its talons and flies back to its Tr... Show Full Summary

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