Pokémon : S3 | E23 – Mild ‘n Wooly

Pokémon The Series : The Johto Journeys

Season 3 | Episode 23 – Mild ‘n Wooly eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : March 16, 2000
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While eating lunch in a grassy meadow, Ash and his friends encounter a Mareep, which the Pokédex describes as having a mild disposition and the ability to store electricity in their fleece. The Mareep smothers Pikachu, who retaliates with a Thunder Shock. However, Mareep's thick fleece absorbs the attack and grows in size. Soon enough, more Mareep appear and gather around Pikachu. He zaps them all, causing their wool to get very fluffy.

A young girl named Mary runs up and attempts to get the Mareep to back off, but only one listens. Her mother Ellen and a Raichu also arrive, and they succeed in freeing Pikachu from the flock. Ellen invites Ash and his friends over to her house, where she apologizes for the Mareep's behavior. She reveals that Mary was supposed to be watching the ... Show Full Summary

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