As Team Rocket is discussing their plan to steal Pikachu, they are interrupted by a man who asks them if they are looking for a battle. They accept but are defeated easily. Later, Ash and his friends are confronted by the same man and his Scizor. When Misty is infuriated at him for letting his Pokémon run loose and attack at will, the man explains that they were trying to do some secret training. He apologizes and introduces himself to Ash as Muramasa. He then introduces Scizor, who he calls Masamune. Muramasa admits that he is impressed by Ash and his Pikachu before inviting the group over to his elite training school.
As they tour around Muramasa's training school, Ash and his friends learn from a student that Muramasa is a talented Trainer and his Scizor is also known as "The... Show Full Summary