Pokémon : S3 | E26 – A Shadow of a Drought

Pokémon The Series : The Johto Journeys

Season 3 | Episode 26 – A Shadow of a Drought eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : April 6, 2000
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As Ash and his friends stop on their way to the Azalea Gym because of the glaring heat. Misty calls out Staryu and has it use its Water Gun like a fountain to cool the group off, and they play in the water. Seeing this, Ash calls out his own Water Pokémon, Squirtle. However, Squirtle's Water Gun attack instead sends Ash flying into a nearby boulder.

Team Rocket is on the road also, and very thirsty. Jessie and James want their share of water from their canteen, but Meowth drank it already. They get mad at him, but Meowth soon spots a well nearby, its base is carved to look like a Slowpoke. Meowth pumps the well's lever for a bit, but Jessie and James receive a face full of sand instead of water. Next, Meowth tries a pair of divining rods. He soon finds a likely spot and tells Je... Show Full Summary

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