Pokémon : S3 | E28 – Gettin’ the Bugs Out

Pokémon The Series : The Johto Journeys

Season 3 | Episode 28 – Gettin’ the Bugs Out eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : April 20, 2000
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As Ash and his friends walk to the Azalea Gym, Misty, posing as a reporter and using her canteen as a microphone, stops and asks Ash how the battle will go. When Ash declares that he will be victorious, Misty points out that it may be a hard match without Charizard on his team. Ash retorts that he still has Cyndaquil to provide him with plenty of firepower.

The group soon enters the Gym, which resembles a forest garden. Misty becomes immediately anxious and soon enough her worst fears are confirmed as a Caterpie dangles in front of her face. She freaks out and runs away only to come face to face with a horde of Metapod. Misty runs again, crouching down to catch her breath before declaring that the Gym is more like a torture chamber. Her criticism is overheard by a boy sitting in... Show Full Summary

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