Pokémon : S3 | E3 – A Sappy Ending

Pokémon The Series : The Johto Journeys

Season 3 | Episode 3 – A Sappy Ending eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : October 28, 1999
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While on their way to Violet City, Ash and his friends stop in the middle of a forest and notice several of the trees are missing their leaves without showing any other signs of damage. Suddenly, Pikachu spots a horde of unknown Pokémon clamped onto a healthy tree trunk. Ash's Pokédex identifies them as Heracross and mentions their docile nature, great strength, and preferred food: tree sap. Thinking he can catch some new Pokémon and save the tree at the same time, Ash is about to throw a Poké Ball when a voice behind him tells him to stop. The trio turns around to see a man in a red uniform, who warns Ash that catching the Heracross will only cause more damage to the forest.

The man introduces himself as Woodruff, a forest ranger. After the group introduces themselves, Woodruff... Show Full Summary

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