Ash and his friends come across a scenic valley, which they must pass in order to reach Violet City. As they continue onward, the ground starts to shake and some large rocks fall from the cliff above. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is sitting by the ledge on the same cliff. When more tremors hit, the rock they are sitting on crumbles beneath them, and the trio falls into the forest below, with tree vines helping to break their fall. Ash, Misty, and Brock continue along a dirt trail, when they stumble upon a Donphan amongst the shrubs. Ash is about to catch it when Brock stops him, saying that it must be young due to the short size of its tusks. Brock then suggests catching Donphan because it needs a Pokémon Breeder. Ash and Brock then start arguing over who would be the best Trainer for Donphan, o... Show Full Summary