Ash and his friends have stopped to rest at a mountain stream. All of the Pokémon are in the water, having a good time. Brock is brushing Vulpix's tail, while Misty watches Togepi splashing in the lake. Poliwhirl drifts by on its back, and Misty tells it not to drift too far. Poliwhirl waves okay, but all of a sudden, a huge Poliwrath comes up behind it. As Misty and Brock anxiously watch, Poliwrath smacks Poliwhirl out of the water. As Misty attends to her injured Poliwhirl, a young Trainer called Andreas appears and insults Misty and her Poliwhirl who hides behind Misty’s legs. Misty defends herself and Poliwhirl, as do Ash and Brock, but Andreas continues to insult her, taking it a step farther by also insulting Staryu, Goldeen, and Psyduck. Misty angrily challenges him to a battle, but... Show Full Summary