Meanwhile, Team Rocket arrives on the outskirts of the village, exhausted. While Jessie berates her Wobbuffet for popping up unannounced as usual, even more Wobbuffet appear around them. A villager, Lulu, approaches with her own Wobbuffet and congratulates Jessie on hers. Assuming that Team Rocket is there for the festival, she invites them to her home. Though they are thoroughly bemused by the notion of a festival honoring Wobbuffet, they quickly change their tune when their host arrives with mountains of food. They are even happier to learn that there will be more food at the festival. Lulu gives Jessie’s Wobbuffet a yellow headband and takes them to see the “festival symbol”, which is a huge sculpture of a Wobbuffet. While Jessie struggles to hide her incredulity, a suspicious trio watch from the cliffs above, and call out their Pokémon: Hitmonlee, Machoke and Primeape.
(Source: Bulbapedia)