Ash and his friends stop in a large field near a wind power generator to take a break. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is starving and soon spots an odd white building in the distance. They are curious, and soon James knocks on the door. After a few tries, he tries to open it up, but the door is electronically locked, which Meowth infers after seeing a card reader. He tries to pick at it with his claw, but ends up breaking his claw in the reader. Meowth is infuriated and scratches at the door, which results in him and his teammates being electrocuted. Just then, the door opens slowly, allowing the trio to enter and explore. Jigglypuff also wanders into the facility.
Brock decides a picnic is in order. Ash volunteers to fetch the firewood with Pikachu, but the Electric-type is fast asleep... Show Full Summary