Brock and Misty are at the Pokémon Center packing things in readiness when Janina comes by. She notices that Ash is missing, but his friends take Janina to see Ash while he does a morning run with his Pokémon. Ash finishes up his seaside exercises and joins Janina and the others to venture over to the Olivine Gym.
They walk a short distance, but a large Wobbuffet statue is blocking the way. Ash spots a little plaque in front, and it reads to place your prized Pokémon here for some superstitious thing. Ash puts Pikachu on top and the statue's eyes glow. Suddenly, a spring shoots Pikachu into the statue's mouth which reveals it's another one of Team Rocket's traps. The statue drives away using its concealed treads. Ash has Bayleef use Razor Leaf at the bot, but it proves ineffecti... Show Full Summary