Pokémon : S5 | E22 – Dues and Don’ts

Pokémon The Series : Master Quest

Season 5 | Episode 22 – Dues and Don’ts eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : January 10, 2002
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On the road to Mahogany Town, Ash and his friends are attacked by Team Rocket. After a brief scuffle involving an exploding football, the Rocket trio are sent blasting off. The trio release their parachutes to soften their landing, but Wobbuffet emerges from his Poké Ball and leads Jessie to get tangled in her teammates' parachutes. After a painful landing, the Rockets discuss their most recent failure and try to figure out why they can never beat the twerps. They hold a vote, but this reveals that everyone blames everyone equally for the failures, and eventually reach the conclusion that the twerps have a larger amount of Pokémon to battle with, while they only have five, including Meowth. Team Rocket begin to fight amongst each other, but find this also does nothing to solve their glarin... Show Full Summary

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