Pokémon : S5 | E24 – A Tyrogue Full of Trouble

Pokémon The Series : Master Quest

Season 5 | Episode 24 – A Tyrogue Full of Trouble eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : January 24, 2002
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The group emerges from a cave and spots a sitting Pokémon wearing a neckerchief. Ash checks his Pokédex, which identifies the mystery Pokémon as a Tyrogue. Brock tries to give him some food, but the Tyrogue refuses the offer. As Brock checks his bag for more food, the Tyrogue swipes three containers of food and runs off with them. It sends out a call for help, and a storm of chestnuts rains down on the group. Tyrogue makes his escape while his friends, a Mankey and Primeape, leap out of a nearby tree. The Tyrogue tosses the food to them and they all climb up a cliff. Bayleef is called out to assist, but her Vine Whip causes a rockslide. Just seconds away from getting squashed, a man followed by a Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee destroy the boulder. The trio of Fighting-types flee the scene.
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