Pokémon : S5 | E29 – Nice Pryce, Baby!

Pokémon The Series : Master Quest

Season 5 | Episode 29 – Nice Pryce, Baby! eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : February 28, 2002
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Ash is excited for his upcoming Gym battle. He declares that his Cyndaquil's flames will make quick work of Pryce's Ice-type Pokémon. Misty reminds him that Pryce's Piloswine and Dewgong will be tough opponents, and Ash realizes there is a big hole in his battle strategy.

Sheila arrives at the Mahogany Gym and is pleasantly surprised to see Pryce grooming his Piloswine. Pryce admits that he has been with his Pokémon all night. Having been reunited with Piloswine only yesterday, Pryce has come to realize that his own ambitions were also frozen in ice for many years. Ash and his friends suddenly arrive at the Gym, and Pryce happily escorts them into the facility. Inside, Ash is surprised to see the glistening ice battlefield. Brock mentions that the field's central pool might be k... Show Full Summary

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