Pokémon : S5 | E30 – Whichever Way the Wind Blows

Pokémon The Series : Master Quest

Season 5 | Episode 30 – Whichever Way the Wind Blows eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : March 7, 2002
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While heading toward Blackthorn City for Ash's final Gym Badge, Ash and his friends come across three sick Oddish underneath a tree. Brock cures them with some Pokémon food. Ash wonders how the Oddish got sick in the first place, so Pikachu asks them. The three Oddish lead Ash and his friends over a hill where they find a plain meadow with a huge tree home to many Gloom, Vileplume, and Bellossom. Soon, the Vileplume and Bellossom start fighting. Pikachu fails to break up the fights, so Ash sends in his Bayleef who separates them with her Vine Whip. Ash tries to get the Pokémon to apologize to each other and make friends with each other, but they refuse.

Soon, Steven, a Grass Pokémon researcher comes running towards the trio and he checks on the Oddish. The group makes their way ... Show Full Summary

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