Pokémon : S5 | E31 – Some Like It Hot

Pokémon The Series : Master Quest

Season 5 | Episode 31 – Some Like It Hot eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : March 14, 2002
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Ash and his friends make their way through some rugged terrain, still bound for Blackthorn City. Misty complains about the increasing heat. Brock points out that there are volcanoes and hot springs around, which doesn't please Misty at all. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is relaxing in the hot springs when Meowth spots the group walking past. However, Jessie and James return to their relaxation, declaring that the twerps are the reason for their stresses. A huge geyser suddenly erupts beneath the Rocket trio, sending them blasting off.

Later, Ash and Misty get into a passive-aggressive argument because of the heat. When a Magcargo appears, Ash checks his Pokédex for information on it. Brock notices more Magcargo around them. Misty remains irritated and urges her friends along, and event... Show Full Summary

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