Pokémon : S5 | E32 – Hocus Pokémon

Pokémon The Series : Master Quest

Season 5 | Episode 32 – Hocus Pokémon eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : March 21, 2002
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Ash and his friends continue through the mountains when a Murkrow approaches them and starts squawking. Then, a girl comes running out from a clearing, exclaiming that she finally found a Pikachu. The girl introduces herself as Lily, a Pokémon magician. Lily explains that she has been searching far and wide for bizarre things from different Pokémon such as a Thunderbolt from Pikachu. Misty asks Lily to perform magic for her because she once dreamed about being a Pokémon magician when she was little. Lily flicks through her spellbook and asks Misty if she'd like a smoother complexion, and Misty says yes. So, Lily mixes everything together and says a magic chant which causes a lot of smoke to rise from the pot. To Misty's surprise, the spell summons a bunch of Spinarak which use String Shot ... Show Full Summary

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