Pokémon : S5 | E37 – Wish Upon a Star Shape

Pokémon The Series : Master Quest

Season 5 | Episode 37 – Wish Upon a Star Shape eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : May 2, 2002
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On the night of a full moon, Ash and his friends gaze at the sky as their Pokémon play together. The group spots a shooting star, and they close their eyes to make a wish each. When they open their eyes again, Ash notices the shooting star is behaving strangely. It soars towards them, revealing itself to actually be a UFO, and shoots out an object which lands on Phanpy's back. Soon, the flying saucer crashes on a nearby mountain, which also catches the attention of the Pokémon Mystery Club.

Ash looks up the mysterious pink Pokémon on his Pokédex, and it turns out to be a Cleffa. Phanpy recovers from its shock and befriends Cleffa. Soon, Cleffa points towards the place where the flying saucer landed. Brock and the others notice Cleffa's concerns, and they decide to help Cleffa re... Show Full Summary

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