Pokémon : S5 | E38 – Outrageous Fortunes

Pokémon The Series : Master Quest

Season 5 | Episode 38 – Outrageous Fortunes eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : May 9, 2002
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Ash and his friends prepare to stop by a Pokémon Center when they spot a large crowd watching a raging battle. They decide to check it out. When they get a closer look they see two Trainers, Mason versus Delaney. The match quickly ends after Delaney's Poliwrath uses Submission on Hitmontop. Delaney is thrilled by his seventh consecutive victory and calls out to the crowd for another eager challenger. Ash gladly steps forward. Misty also declares she wants to battle, causing her and Ash to begin fighting. Delaney ends the argument when he agrees to battle both of them. The first battle is Misty's Poliwhirl against Poliwrath. The match starts with a collision of Water Gun attacks. Poliwhirl uses Bubble. Poliwrath dodges and uses Double Slap. Poliwrath follows up with Submission and tosses Po... Show Full Summary

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