Pokémon : S5 | E47 – Just Add Water

Pokémon The Series : Master Quest

Season 5 | Episode 47 – Just Add Water eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : July 11, 2002
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Ash and his friends are on their way back to New Bark Town via a rocky road. The group comes across a tunnel, which Brock suggests that it may lead to the ocean. Misty perks up and promptly runs through, and as predicted the group finds themselves staring at the sea. Misty takes a deep breath of the salty air before calling out her Water Pokémon. Staryu, Corsola, Goldeen, and Politoed enjoy a break in the ocean water. Psyduck wanders towards the water, but a slight splash is enough to terrify it to the verge of tears, and Misty gently reminds it that it can't swim.

They continue along the beach, and they see a sign for a synchronized swimming event. Brock becomes very excited, imagining pretty girls in bathing suits performing alongside Pokémon. He promptly takes off, forcing As... Show Full Summary

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