While Ash and his friends stop for lunch, they are particularly keen to find out what Pokémon will hatch from the Pokémon Egg. Just as Brock suggests it's going to be a Legendary Pokémon, the Egg begins to glow inside its Egg case as if it is about to hatch, but it's only a false alarm. As Ash tries to persuade the Egg to hatch by tucking it under his shirt and singing, Team Rocket spies on them from the bushes and then begins to scheme how to get it. At that moment, the Egg begins to glow again from under Ash's shirt. When Ash pulls his shirt up, it reveals a sleeping Larvitar. Ash checks his Pokédex for more information, and while he is disappointed to learn that it isn't Legendary, he admits that it was cool to see it hatch. Misty notices that Larvitar isn't moving terribly much, and Br... Show Full Summary