Pokémon : S5 | E51 – A Crowning Achievement

Pokémon The Series : Master Quest

Season 5 | Episode 51 – A Crowning Achievement eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : August 8, 2002
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Ash, Brock and Misty are still continuing towards Mt. Silver. Larvitar is still riding in Ash's backpack, and awakens only to be greeted by Misty. Still fearful, it Hardens, leading Ash to criticize Misty's statements and baby Larvitar again. Misty complains that Larvitar doesn't like anyone besides Ash, and Brock claims that he can endear himself to the Pokémon, as he will be the world's best Pokémon Breeder. He pulls faces and tries to make Larvitar laugh, but only succeeds in terrifying it to the point of it bursting into tears. Ash coaxes it into stopping and going back to sleep, and Misty criticizes Brock's skills. With its screeching stopped, Brock hears a waterfall and they decide to find it and have lunch. Watching nearby, James and Meowth plan to steal Pikachu, only to discover th... Show Full Summary

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