Pokémon : S5 | E64 – Gotta Catch Ya Later!

Pokémon The Series : Master Quest

Season 5 | Episode 64 – Gotta Catch Ya Later! eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : November 7, 2002
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With the Silver Conference and Johto behind them, Ash and his friends are heading towards Pallet Town when they decide to make a stop in Viridian City. There, Ash deposits his Poké Balls at the local Pokémon Center and asks Nurse Joy if she remembers him. She reveals that she is the new Nurse Joy, but that she has heard about him. She tells Misty that she has received an urgent call from Cerulean City.

Getting to a phone, Misty finds out the call is from her sisters, who are going on a trip around the world. As a result, they need Misty to take over the Gym while they are away. Misty objects to this, but Ash assures her that it is only temporary. Nurse Joy surprises Misty with her bike, which had been fixed by the previous Nurse Joy. Seeing the bike causes Misty to remember how ... Show Full Summary

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