Pokémon : S5 | E9 – Plant It Now… Diglett Later

Pokémon The Series : Master Quest

Season 5 | Episode 9 – Plant It Now… Diglett Later eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : October 4, 2001
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With the Whirl Cup over, Ash and his friends head towards Transit Town. However, everyone's hungry and the next town won't be reached for quite some time. Meanwhile, Jessie is spying on them from a high area, while James and Meowth are busy digging a new pitfall trap. As the kids approach, Team Rocket hides behind a bush, waiting for their trap to work. Sure enough, the group falls down into the sinkhole. Team Rocket starts to bask in their success, but when they go to check out the hole, they fall into another one. Jessie complains though Meowth reveals that it is one of their traps, citing his Meowth mark is present on it. Suddenly, a bunch of Diglett appear in both Team Rocket's hole and the kids.

The Diglett form a "ladder," and a girl appears. Brock jumps out and does his u... Show Full Summary

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