Pokémon : S1 | E51 – Who Gets to Keep Togepi?

Pokémon The Series : Indigo League

Season 1 | Episode 51 – Who Gets to Keep Togepi? eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : June 25, 1998
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Ash and his friends arrive at a Pokémon Center, where Nurse Joy gives Ash a letter from Professor Oak. Ash instantly calls the Professor on the video phone, and is informed that his Pokédex can now be upgraded with new information and a voice change. Ash inserts his Pokédex into the PC and receives the upgrade. Later, Ash and his friends sit at a nearby table and begin to discuss the Pokémon that they wish would hatch out of the mysterious Egg Ash found back at Grampa Canyon. They all assume their favorite Pokémon; Misty wants a Water-type and Brock a Rock-type. The discussion concludes and they leave the Pokémon Center.

Outside, they find Team Rocket posing as Egg sellers. The three have a whole basketful of Eggs that look just like Ash's mysterious Egg. Team Rocket tries to ta... Show Full Summary

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