Pokémon : S1 | E52 – Bulbasaur’s Mysterious Garden

Pokémon The Series : Indigo League

Season 1 | Episode 52 – Bulbasaur’s Mysterious Garden eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : July 2, 1998
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As they continue their journey towards the Cinnabar Gym, Ash and his friends come across a Hiker who challenges Ash to a battle, which he gladly accepts. The Hiker sends out his Rhyhorn while Ash counters with Bulbasaur. Rhyhorn executes a Take Down, the ground shaking as it charges right at Ash's Bulbasaur, with Pikachu not liking the outcome. Ash commands Bulbasaur to use Leech Seed, but Rhyhorn closes in and sends Bulbasaur flying before the attack is launched. Ash tries to recall Bulbasaur, but Bulbasaur refuses. Brock states that it will not back down until it wins and it seems that Bulbasaur really wants to battle it. The Hiker says that Ash must be a bad Trainer if his own Pokémon does not listen when told to return it to its Poké Ball. Rhyhorn charges again, but Bulbasaur's Razor L... Show Full Summary

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