Ash and his friends decide to stop and eat, with Brock making his famous rice balls. However, Ash notices what he thinks is a gun pointing at Pikachu and knocks his friends out of the way. Ash then sends out Squirtle and commands it to use Water Gun at the bushes where he saw the gun. Just then, Todd stands up, holding nothing but a camera, and tells him to stop, afraid that his camera will be ruined. Ash, infuriated at Todd, asks why he was spying on them. Todd explains that he is a world-famous Pokémon photographer and didn't want his picture of Pikachu to look fake.
The group goes back to Todd's house to talk, and he shows them a magazine with his picture of the same Aerodactyl that took Ash. Todd subtly tries to get a picture of Pikachu, but the Mouse Pokémon accidentally za... Show Full Summary